Your home renovation starts with few clicks

Applying for Tasheel’s personal finance for home improvement is simple and quick. Follow these steps:

  • 10 mins

    Apply Online

    Fill in the application easily and you’ll receive the decision instantly online

  • Same Day

    Accept the Offer

    Select your desired personal finance amount and preferred payment tenure and easily sign the contract online

  • 48 hours

    Get Funded

    Get the finance amount for home renovation in your bank account within 48h on official working days

  • Apply Now

Providing effortless financial services

Let us answer your questions

You will receive the money in your bank account within 2 working days from signing the contract

You can apply for a top-up finance on your existing personal finance with Tasheel after paying 20% of the original finance while also paying all the installments on time.

Yes, you can choose an amount that is lower from what you were approved for, while keeping in mind that the minimum amount for personal finance is SAR 10,000

you can apply easily for a personal finance online via our website or mobile app or by visiting one of our branches located inside eXtra stores or by calling us at 8003044434

No, the personal finance from Tasheel does not require a guarantor or a sponsor.

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